120 DevOps statistics: Principles, success, & future endeavors

According to DORA's (DevOps Research and Assessment) insights, elite DevOps teams achieve 2604 times faster failure recovery. That's not science fiction – it's the reality in the era of DevOps.

  • Published 11 Oct 2023
  • 15 mins read
120 DevOps statistics: Principles, success, & future endeavors
Table of contents

Article highlights

  • Elite DevOps teams achieve 2604 times faster failure recovery, emphasizing the pivotal role of rapid response capabilities in modern IT operations.
  • A significant 90% of new apps will be cloud-native by 2024, underscoring a shift towards more scalable and flexible development environments.
  • DevOps practices lead to 200 times faster lead times for changes, showcasing their effectiveness in enhancing agility and efficiency in software delivery.

DevOps, at its core, is the unity between software development and IT operations, aiming to shorten the system development lifecycle while delivering features, fixes, and updates in close alignment with business objectives.

As businesses grapple with the ever-escalating demand for rapid and reliable software delivery, embracing the DevOps culture is necessary. Through its collaborative and continuous practices, DevOps isn't just about speed but optimizing quality, enhancing feedback, and adapting.

Our top choices

  • DevOps practices can lead to 200 times faster lead times for changes.

  • 9 out of 10 companies believe that embracing failure leads to quicker innovation cycles.

  • 4 out of 5 Developers agree that automated scanning tools are essential for identifying secure code breaches.

  • Improved response times have led to an estimated 50% increase in user retention for web-based applications.

  • By 2024, 90% of new apps will be cloud-native.

Key DevOps statistics

Have you ever wondered why software updates seem smoother, or that app bug was fixed so swiftly? This is the world of DevOps – a fusion of development and operations. As software development practices evolved, DevOps emerged as the modern leader, ensuring quicker deliveries without compromising quality.

  1. Over the past decade, companies that adopted DevOps saw a 68% reduction in deployment failures.1
  2. 73% of large enterprises believe DevOps is essential for digital transformation.1
  3. In 2023, companies that adopted DevOps practices reported 2.8 times more frequent software deployments.2
  4. DevOps practices can lead to 200 times faster lead times for changes.1
  5. Companies using DevOps are 24% more likely to be high-performing than their peers.1
  6. By the end of 2023, 67% of organizations would have integrated some DevOps practices.2
  7. In 2023, organizations with a mature DevOps culture saw 51% lower change failure rates.2
  8. 58% of organizations reported adopting DevOps significantly improved software quality.3
  9. Automation, a key component of DevOps, is expected to eliminate 80% of routine IT tasks by 2025.3
  10. The average lifespan of a deployed application decreased by 40% due to frequent updates in DevOps environments.1
  11. 70% of companies reported faster detection and failure recovery after adopting DevOps.1
  12. There was a 52% increase in job postings for DevOps roles between 2018 and 2023.2
Over the last ten years, a shift in software development has been observed, with a growing emphasis on DevOps leading to more resilient and frequent deployments. This trend was validated when large enterprises voiced the importance of DevOps for digital transformation. The efficiency and quality improvements offered by DevOps have not just been beneficial to IT departments – marketers and designers, too, have reaped the rewards.

With quicker lead times, fewer disruptions, and a significant emphasis on automation, DevOps seems integral in optimizing business operations, making organizations agile and more competitive. This shift underscores its importance not just for tech roles but for all domains witnessing the changing landscape of digital operations.

13. Companies with mature DevOps practices spend 22% less on unplanned work and rework.1

14. In a 2023 survey, 40% of companies cited department collaboration as their top benefit from implementing DevOps.2

15. 87% of companies say DevOps positively impacted customer satisfaction rates.1

16. Continuous integration, a DevOps practice, led to 55% fewer defects in software products.2

17. 62% of DevOps teams use container technologies like Docker for deployment.2

18. Cloud adoption among DevOps teams increased by 50% between 2019 and 2023.2

19. 31% of organizations adopted microservices architecture to complement their DevOps transformation.1

20. By 2023, DevOps tools had seen a compounded annual growth rate of 20% over five years.3

21. 77% of companies state that DevOps significantly improves employee job satisfaction.1

22. Companies that fully embrace DevOps are 2 times likelier to exceed profitability and market share goals.1

23. In 2023, 37% of Developers stated that their organization's DevOps maturity was above average.2

24. DevOps Engineers saw a 29% average salary increase between 2017 and 2023.2

The average time for a DevOps Engineer to stay in a job
The average time for a DevOps Engineer to stay in a job

25. 53% of organizations cited needing more expertise as the primary challenge to adopting DevOps.1

26. 60% of firms using DevOps reported enhanced innovation and faster problem-solving.1

27. Continuous feedback loops in DevOps processes reduced software defects by up to 40%.2

28. Organizations with strong DevOps cultures saw a 20% decrease in employee turnover.1

29. 72% of DevOps teams use agile methodologies to enhance workflow.1

30. In 2022, 85% of organizations confirmed that DevOps practices had positively impacted their software security.2

As we've journeyed through the evolution of software development, one question lingers – what's next after understanding DevOps? The answer lies in diving deeper into the pillars that support it – continuous integration (CI), continuous deployment (CD), Infrastructure as Code (Iac), and the ever-evolving DevOps culture.

As the digital era expands, harnessing these practices ensures we remain agile, adaptive, and always ready to deliver the best. So, let's explore these components and their profound impact on our tech-driven world.

Principles, culture, & mindset statistics

As the digital landscape evolves, embracing transformative practices is critical. Continuous integration, continuous deployment, and Infrastructure as Code are no longer buzzwords but essential methodologies for ensuring efficiency and reliability.

Infusing the DevOps culture with automated testing and promoting seamless collaboration between development and operations can turn failures into invaluable lessons. Dive in to explore how feedback loops play a pivotal role, positioning businesses at the forefront of innovation and excellence.

1. 85% of leading tech companies have adopted CI/CD pipelines for their main products.4

2. Firms implementing IaC report a 60% decrease in deployment failures.4

3. Automated testing reduces bug detection time by an average of 45%.5

4. 70% of organizations fully embracing a DevOps culture witnessed increased operational efficiency.6

5. Collaboration between development and operations results in a 55% faster mean time to recovery from failures.4

6. 9 out of 10 companies believe that embracing failure leads to quicker innovation cycles.5

7. 80% of Developers affirm that feedback loops in CI/CD are crucial for product improvement.5

8. Continuous deployment practices lead to 40% fewer production failures.5

9. Companies with mature DevOps cultures deploy updates 30 times more frequently.4

10. Infrastructure as Code practices reduces environment setup time by up to 75%.4

11. Teams that embrace CI practices experience 22% fewer bugs in production.4

12. 65% of IT professionals say collaboration between teams is the biggest challenge in adopting DevOps.4

Most top tech companies adopt CI/CD pipelines in the tech world, highlighting their pivotal role in modern software delivery. A significant reduction in deployment failures and bug detection time, as observed by firms using IaC and automated testing, emphasizes their influence on product quality and efficiency.

As organizations cultivate a DevOps culture, benefits in operational efficiency and update frequency are observed. Yet, despite these advances, IT professionals' challenges in fostering team collaboration are evident. The value of these methodologies is underscored by their ability to minimize failures and optimize the feedback-driven process for continuous product enhancement.

13. Organizations that have adopted CI/CD report a 50% reduction in the cost of software delivery.4

14. Automated tests increase release frequency by 25% on average.5

15. 90% of teams that use IaC can replicate their infrastructure in minutes, compared to hours or days without it.4

16. DevOps-oriented teams have a 60% higher change success rate.4

17. 3 out of 4 companies see improved customer satisfaction after adopting feedback loops in development.5

18. Embracing failure has led to a 40% increase in post-mortem culture, driving continuous improvement.6

19. 68% of businesses confirm that CI/CD practices have improved security posture.4

20. Collaboration between development and operations has resulted in a 35% increase in deployment speed.4

21. 72% of teams with a strong DevOps mindset witness improved team morale and job satisfaction.6

22. Automated testing practices result in a 30% increase in code coverage. 5

23. Organizations with established feedback loops in CI/CD pipelines see a 28% quicker response to market demands.4

24. IaC adopters report a 50% reduction in infrastructure costs.4

25. 95% of top tech startups have a dedicated role or team for DevOps.4

26. Businesses that view failure as a chance to learn to experience a 20% boost in their innovation metrics.6

27. 78% of businesses with mature DevOps practices have significantly shorter product lifecycles.6

28. Continuous integration reduces integration problems, leading to 60% faster deliveries.6

29. By adopting a DevOps mindset, 88% of companies report higher trust levels between development and operations teams.4

30. Most IT leaders (85%) believe DevOps practices are essential for digital transformation.6

Yager Development case study

Concept: Yager Development, a renowned video game development studio, wanted to optimize the scalability and performance of its latest massive multiplayer online (MMO) game. Yager Development recently switched from AWS to Azure. The team encountered scalability and performance challenges after the migration with their new MMO.

This occurred as the highly anticipated official game launch was drawing near. To guarantee a seamless player experience from the outset, the customer required immediate access to experienced senior .NET and Azure Architects and Developers.

Solutions: Yager Development significantly enhanced its real-time data processing capabilities on Azure, achieving quicker and more efficient results. Implementing a new real-time data processing pipeline and establishing and refining DevOps practices led to a seamless gaming experience for over 35K players at the MMO game's launch. Additionally, cloud consumption costs were optimized as a result of these improvements.

Impact: Yager Development significantly improved their MMO game's performance and efficiency. They introduced a scalable real-time data processing pipeline using Azure Event Hub, Azure Stream Analytics, and Azure Cache for Redis to address reliability and performance issues. Security was strengthened with private endpoints, and code quality was a priority.

Cloud monitoring with Azure Monitor and Insights facilitated quick responses to critical events. Infrastructure saw upgrades with Terraform, optimized CI/CD pipelines using GitHub actions, and workflow prototypes. Cost savings were achieved by selecting appropriate Azure resource tiers, implementing Azure Cache for Redis autoscaling, and reducing telemetry data for efficient cloud usage.

As we've looked at the intricacies of CI, CD, IaC, and the cultural shifts essential for DevOps success, it's evident that the heart of these practices revolves around agility, collaboration, and continuous learning. These methodologies streamline operations and prepare us for the challenges and opportunities of a fast-paced digital landscape.

But with great power comes great responsibility. How do we ensure these practices remain secure and effective? We'll pivot to understanding the symbiosis of DevOps and security, the nuances of integrating checks, and the broader implications for businesses navigating digital transformation.

Challenges, security, & success statistics

In today's digital age, the seamless merger of security and DevOps – fondly dubbed "DevSecOps"– has become a cornerstone of practical software development. With a landscape characterized by evolving threats, integrating security checks into CI/CD pipelines, embracing secure code practices, and leveraging automated scanning are no longer luxuries but necessities.

Yet, as businesses strive to monitor key performance indicators, from deployment frequency to system uptimes, they also grapple with challenges – cultural shifts, legacy infrastructure, and skill gaps, to name a few. Dive with us into this section, where the confluence of security and DevOps is beneficial in the changing digital era.

  1. 72% of organizations report enhanced security as a benefit of implementing DevOps.7
  2. In 2023, 68% of DevOps teams integrated security tools directly into their CI/CD pipelines.6
  3. Organizations that integrate security checks into their CI/CD process reduce vulnerability exploits by 48%.6
  4. Automated security checks in CI/CD pipelines have led to a 30% faster detection of security flaws.6
  5. 4 out of 5 Developers agree that automated scanning tools are essential for identifying secure code breaches.7
  6. 57% of organizations have made secure code training mandatory for their Developers in 2023.8
  7. Data breaches resulting from exposed secrets and credentials have decreased by 41% in companies employing secret management tools.8
  8. 68% of organizations report difficulty managing the secrets and credentials lifecycle without automation.8
  9. 75% of companies now rely on KPIs to gauge the success and efficiency of their DevOps initiatives.6
  10. Deployment frequency has been reported as the top KPI in DevOps by 53% of companies.6
  11. Companies that monitor deployment frequency experience a 35% lower change failure rate.8
  12. In 2023, organizations that actively monitored failure rates had a 30% faster recovery from failures.8
Most organizations recognize enhanced security as a tangible outcome of embracing DevOps. With most DevOps teams adopting security tools in their CI/CD pipelines, flaws are detected faster. Unsurprisingly, Developers find automated scanning tools indispensable, leading to an uptick in the emphasis on secure code training.

Despite advances, challenges persist, especially in managing sensitive data. Still, tools offer a solution here, underscoring the broader theme – continuous monitoring and emphasis on KPIs, like deployment frequency, drive efficiency and resilience. For marketers and designers, this translates to more stable platforms, better user experience, and enhanced user trust.

13. Organizations focusing on improving system uptime report a 40% improvement in customer satisfaction.9

14. 52% of companies claim system uptime is a crucial KPI for their business success.6

15. 46% of companies say cultural resistance is the primary challenge in DevOps adoption.9

16. Legacy systems hinder DevOps adoption for approximately 38% of organizations.9

17. 2 out of 3 organizations believe fostering a collaborative culture is the key to successfully adopting DevOps.8

18. 59% of companies feel that organizational silos are DevOps's most significant barrier to success.8

19. 70% of companies have reported the need for significant infrastructure changes to adopt DevOps fully.9

20. Only 32% of companies believe their legacy systems are compatible with modern DevOps practices.9

21. 64% of IT leaders say skill gaps constitute a significant challenge in embracing DevOps.8

22. In 2023 there has been a 45% increase in training programs targeting DevOps competencies.8

23. 58% of DevOps teams believe they have experienced fewer security incidents due to security integration within their practices.9

24. Continuous security checks in CI/CD have reduced post-deployment security patches by 37%.7

Barriers to DevOps implementation

25. An estimated 44% of companies saw a significant drop in security vulnerabilities after implementing regular automated scanning.10

26. Mismanagement of secrets and credentials contributed to roughly 21% of reported data breaches in 2022.9

27. Incident response time has become a critical KPI, with 60% of businesses measuring it to assess their DevOps efficiency.9

28. Companies that embraced monitoring tools reported a 33% reduction in major deployment-related failures.10

29. Improved response times have led to an estimated 50% increase in user retention for web-based applications.10

30. In a 2023 survey, 42% of IT professionals identified a need for more advanced DevOps tooling and methodologies training.9

As we've learned about DevOps and its intricate interplay with security, a straightforward narrative emerges—integrating robust security measures within DevOps isn't just a best practice.

From safeguarding credentials to streamlining deployments, businesses face a myriad of challenges but also untapped opportunities. As we turn our gaze forward, a horizon dotted with GitOps, AI-enhancements, and cloud-native solutions beckons, promising to shape the next chapter of DevOps evolution.

The Future Of DevOps

DevOps once reigned dominant, but its future is shaped by emerging trends like GitOps, NoOps, and AI and machine Learning integration. As these methodologies mature, they promise more efficient workflows and a paradigm shift in how we think about software development and operations.

Coupled with the surge in cloud-native solutions, we stand on the brink of a transformative era that could reshape the digital landscape. This section shows how the industry is growing and what to expect in the future.

  1. 80% of organizations will adopt some form of GitOps practices by 2025.11
  2. NoOps deployments will increase by 60% in the next two years.11
  3. 70% of leading enterprises have integrated AI and machine learning in their DevOps pipelines.10
  4. By 2024, 90% of new apps will be cloud-native.12
  5. Organizations that use AI in DevOps report a 50% reduction in deployment failures.10
  6. 85% of DevOps teams will use container orchestration tools by 2025.11
  7. GitOps practices reduce deployment times by an average of 35%.10
  8. 65% of companies plan to invest more in NoOps platforms next year.12
  9. Cloud-native solutions will reduce infrastructure costs by 40% over the next three years.13
  10. AI-driven testing in DevOps pipelines increases code quality by 45%.10
  11. By 2026, 75% of DevOps teams will have specialized roles for cloud-native solutions.13
  12. Companies with a strong GitOps culture have 30% fewer security breaches.10
Most organizations' adoption of GitOps practices is forecasted, signaling a transformative shift in deployment methodologies. This transition is closely accompanied by an impressive uptick in NoOps deployments and integration of AI, which has notably enhanced code quality and minimized failures.

With most applications soon to be rooted in cloud-native architectures, emphasizing infrastructure cost reduction and enhanced security underscores these advancements' indispensable role. Understanding these shifts is crucial for marketers and designers as they shape tomorrow's digital platforms and tools.

13. NoOps practices will lead to a 55% reduction in IT operations staff requirements by 2027.14

14. 78% of businesses plan to increase their investment in cloud-native tools and platforms.10

15. AI in DevOps is expected to automate over 50% of routine maintenance tasks by 2025.11

16. Companies that fully embrace GitOps can expect a 40% increase in deployment frequency.10

17. 90% of companies report higher satisfaction and productivity when using NoOps platforms.10

18. By 2026, cloud-native application markets will be worth over $80 billion.13

19. Continuous delivery will be AI-assisted in 60% of companies by 2025.11

20. Over 70% of enterprises believe that cloud-native solutions are crucial for digital transformation.10

21. GitOps practices will lead to a 33% reduction in system outages over the next five years.14

22. AI-driven anomaly detection will prevent 45% of potential system failures by 2027.14

23. 72% of organizations see AI and machine learning as the next big thing in DevOps.10

24. Cloud-native solutions are projected to increase overall system resilience by 50%.10

Global cloud services spending forecast
Global cloud services spending forecast in $ millions (2022-2024)
Service 2022 ($M) 2023 ($M) 2024 ($M)
Cloud Business Process Services 54.92 60.13 65.15
Cloud Application Services 146.33 167.11 195.21
Cloud Management & Security Services 28.49 34.14 41.68
Desktop-As-A-Service 2.06 2.54 3.1

25. By 2025, 80% of all applications will be developed using a GitOps workflow.11

26. The rise of NoOps will see a 40% decline in traditional IT operations jobs by 2027.14

27. Companies embracing GitOps have seen a 38% increase in Developer productivity.10

28. Integrating AI in DevOps has led to a 28% reduction in time-to-market for new features.10

29. Over 82% of tech leaders believe that NoOps will be the default for application deployment by 2026.13

30. By 2027, 95% of new enterprise applications will be built on cloud-native architectures.14

The landscape of DevOps is undeniably being reshaped by the emergence of GitOps, NoOps, and the intertwining of AI and machine learning. These paradigms herald faster, more efficient workflows and represent a seismic software development and operations shift. Merging these with the undeniable push towards cloud-native solutions, it's clear that to remain competitive and innovative, embracing these advancements is imperative for success.

Frequently asked questions

Why is DevOps important?

DevOps fosters collaboration, breaks down silos, accelerates delivery, and improves product quality. It enables faster release of applications, timely feedback, and quicker bug fixes.

What tools are commonly used in a DevOps environment?

Popular tools include:

  • Jenkins (for continuous integration),
  • Hutte (for source-driven development),
  • Docker (for containerization),
  • Kubernetes (for container orchestration),
  • Ansible (for automation), and
  • Nagios (for monitoring), among others.

What is DevOps in software development?

DevOps is a set of practices that aim to automate and streamline the development and deployment processes. It encourages collaboration between development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) teams to deliver software more efficiently.

How does DevOps affect traditional IT roles?

DevOps encourages a more holistic understanding of the development pipeline, making roles more versatile. Traditional IT roles may evolve, requiring professionals to acquire development and operations skills.

Is DevOps only for startups or specific industries?

No. While startups often embrace DevOps due to its agile nature, enterprises and industries across the board, including finance, healthcare, and retail, are increasingly adopting DevOps practices to improve efficiency and stay competitive.

What these statistics tell us

The term “DevOps” has been around for over a decade, with its roots tracing back to a 2009 conference in Belgium where its principles first garnered attention. Therein lies a philosophy that has revolutionized the software development and operations world – DevOps. It's more than just a buzzword – it's a cultural shift, a movement towards bridging the traditional silos that kept development and operations teams at arm's length.

At its core, DevOps represents an ethos of collaboration, communication, and integration, fostering an environment where teams work in unison to deliver faster, more reliable software solutions.

The benefits of embracing DevOps are manifold in a world driven by rapid technological advancements and ever-shrinking delivery timelines. Organizations that successfully integrate DevOps practices report faster time-to-market, improved application quality, and enhanced customer satisfaction.

But beyond the tangible metrics, there's a larger story. Adopting a DevOps mindset can be transformative, cultivating a culture of continuous improvement, adaptability, and shared ownership.


  1. Allied Market Research
  2. MarketSplash
  3. Medium
  4. Forbes
  5. Statista
  6. IT Outposts
  7. Mindbowser
  8. Cisco
  9. Gartner
  10. Gitnux
  11. TechBeacon
  12. StarAgile
  13. Templeton & Partners
  14. LinkedIn
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Last updated: 26 Jun 2024