110 Git-based development statistics: Commands, features, & solutions

Did you know that over 70% of Developers use Git as their primary version control system? In today's software development landscape, Git has become an indispensable tool for teams and individual Developers.

  • Published 11 Oct 2023
  • 14 mins read
110 Git-based development statistics: Commands, features, & solutions
Table of contents

Article Highlights

  • 85% of developers find that Git has enhanced collaboration capabilities within their teams, making it the preferred tool for version control across a wide array of projects.
  • The prevalence of merge conflicts, experienced by nearly 90% of developers, underscores the critical importance of conflict resolution skills in maintaining project integrity.
  • Git's automation features are highly valued, with 95% of projects incorporating tests before commits, highlighting the shift towards automation in software development practices.

Git-based development isn't just about tracking code changes – it's about fostering collaboration, maintaining code integrity, and ensuring seamless deployment. Today, having a robust version control system is crucial.

Git provides a reliable and efficient framework to manage codebases, allowing multiple Developers to work on the same project without stepping on each other's toes.

Whether you're a seasoned Developer or starting out, understanding Git-based development can significantly elevate your coding prowess and project management skills. Explore this article and what lies behind Git and how it's shaping the future of software development.

Our top choices

  • 85% of Developers believe Git has made collaboration easier.

  • 99% of open-source projects used some form of version control, with Git being the most popular.

  • Nearly 90% of Developers have faced merge conflicts, emphasizing the importance of mastering conflict resolution.

  • Approximately 95% of projects run tests before committing, either manually or via automation.

  • 90% believe continuous learning and training are crucial to avoiding and solving Git problems.

Key Git-based development statistics

Have you ever wondered how Developers seamlessly collaborate on complex projects without overwriting each other's work? Discover how Git-based development can revolutionize your software development process.

We'll look into the importance of version control in software development and explore how Git empowers Developers to write code with confidence and precision.

  1. As of 2023, Git has firmly established itself as the predominant version control system, boasting an impressive market share that exceeds 76% among Developers.1
  2. Over 3 million people learned to code and use Git through GitHub Learning Lab in 2023.1
  3. 96% of Software Developers claimed to have used Git at some point in their career, making it the de facto VCS for many.2
  4. 67% of Software Developer job listings in 2023 mentioned Git or another VCS as a required skill.1
  5. GitHub, the largest Git repository hosting service, hosted over 250 million repositories by 2023.1
  6. Over 66 million Developers had GitHub accounts by the end of 2022.3
  7. The number of public repositories on GitHub grew by 37% year-over-year in 2022.3
  8. An average of 160 million pull requests were opened on GitHub in 2022.3
  9. Git repositories on GitHub represent more than 370 unique programming languages.2
  10. 72% of Fortune 50 companies used GitHub Enterprise for their internal projects.2
  11. 58% of mobile Developers reported using Git as their primary version control system.2
  12. 80% of continuous integration (CI) systems are integrated directly with Git-based platforms.2
Git's dominance has been solidified as the chosen tool for Developers, with millions being educated through platforms like GitHub Learning Lab. This educational trend is mirrored by most Developers incorporating Git into their skills.

As they craft the digital future, job markets reflect this necessity, emphasizing the importance of version control. With a surge in GitHub's repository count and the collaborative efforts marked by pull requests, a bridge is being built between the tech world and those in marketing and design, highlighting the interconnectedness of the digital ecosystem.

13. The most forked repository on GitHub had over 1.5 million forks by the end of 2022.3

14. Developers using version control systems reported a 30% reduction in coding errors compared to those who didn't.2

15. 85% of Developers believed that version control is essential for team-based projects.2

16. Development teams using VCS reported a 20% increase in productivity.2

17. 92% of Developers had to roll back to a previous version of their code at least once in their career, showcasing the need for version control.2

18. 77% of Developers believed that the commit history in a VCS serves as an essential form of documentation.2

19. 89% of Developers viewed version control as a crucial backup mechanism.1

20. With the rise of remote work, 95% of remote Developers cited version control systems as a vital tool for collaborative coding.2

21. 70% of Developers had experienced a merge conflict, emphasizing the importance of understanding VCS.2

22. 82% of companies using VCS had formalized code review processes, leading to higher code quality.2

The Top global GitHub users by country
The top global GitHub users by country
Country Number of GitHub users
United Kingdom 488,000
Indonesia 582,000
Brazil 924,000
China 1.2 million
India 2.5 million

23. 74% of organizations practicing continuous deployment relied on version control systems.1

24. 67% of software companies had policies for reviewing code history in VCS for security audits.1

25. 99% of open-source projects used some form of version control, with Git being the most popular.1

26. 72% of coding boot camps taught version control as a fundamental skill.1

27. 81% of Developers have referenced historical code using VCS to solve a current problem.1

28. 68% of software tools for Developers offered direct integrations with popular VCS platforms.1

At its core, Git-based development is the linchpin of modern software creation, offering a structured way to track, manage, and collaborate on code.  

It streamlines the process, ensuring projects evolve seamlessly and efficiently. As we understand the mechanics, let's dive into the essential Git commands, branching and merging to harness their full potential.

Git-based development commands, branching, & merging statistics

Managing and tracking project changes has become as essential as the code itself. Git-based development – a powerful version control tool that has reshaped how Developers collaborate.

This section dives into the basics of Git commands and unveils the nitty-gritty behind branching and merging. Whether you're a newbie or just brushing up, understanding these fundamentals can streamline your workflow and elevate your coding prowess in the interconnected digital age.

  1. Over 90% of software Developers have used or are familiar with Git.4
  2. 'Git status' is used by approximately 95% of Developers daily.5
  3. On average, more significant projects have over 50 active branches at any given time.4
  4. 78% of merges are completed without conflicts.4
  5. 60% of junior Developers report mastering basic Git commands within their first month.4
  6. The 'Git commit' command is executed on average 5 times daily by individual Developers.5
  7. An average mid-sized team reviews and merges 20 pull requests daily.5
  8. 85% of Developers believe Git has made collaboration easier.4
  9. Around 15% of Developers face a Git-related error daily.4
  10. 65% of development teams undergo periodic Git training sessions.4
  11. Over 70% of Developers clone a repository at least once a week.4
  12. 40% of Developers use 'Git stash' regularly to save changes temporarily.5
Familiarity with Git is found in over 90% of software Developers, highlighting its pivotal role in modern workflows. This importance is further underscored by the daily habits of these professionals, from the frequent checking of their work status to the active branching in significant projects.

However, while most find ease and efficiency, especially in collaboration through Git, a smaller yet significant portion grapples with occasional errors.

To bridge this, teams incorporate periodic training sessions, ensuring that even tools like 'Git stash' for temporary saves aren't overlooked. For marketers and designers, understanding this landscape offers a window into the intricate dance of code management, fostering more seamless interactions with development teams.

13. 55% of Developers prefer merging over rebasing for integrating changes.6

14. 'Git reset' and 'Git revert' are used by 80% of Developers to undo changes.5

15. GitHub and GitLab host over 60 million active repositories combined.6

16. Developers spend, on average, 10% of their Git time resolving merge conflicts.6

17. 65% of Developers still prefer using Git through the command line over a graphical interface.6

18. 45% of teams have a strict naming convention for branches.6

19. 75% of Developers run 'Git fetch' or 'Git pull' at least once daily.5

20. On average, Developers make 7 commits before a 'Git push.'5

21. Only 30% of Developers regularly prune their local and remote branches using 'Git prune.'5

22. About 20% of projects use Git hooks for automation tasks.4

Global growth of programming languages
Global growth of programming languages

23. Around 40% of Developers have used 'Git blame' to track changes to a specific line of code.5

24. 'Git commit --amend' is utilized by 50% of Developers to modify the latest commit.5

25. Just 15% of projects actively use Git submodules.4

26. Approximately 35% of Developers consider themselves advanced Git users.4

27. A Developer, on average, manages 4 active repositories.5

28. 70% of projects run automated tests on every pull request before merging.5

LEAP Dev case study

Concept: The company provides top-tier legal and collaboration software to 45K clients. LEAP Dev, understanding the value of their intellectual property in Git repositories, initially tried manual backups.

However, this method needed to be improved for anything beyond immediate data recovery. They sought a reliable solution to efficiently back up and restore data and integrate it with their AWS S3 storage.

Solutions: Prioritizing their Git and customers' security, LEAP Dev sought a straightforward solution to ensure automatic data backups. GitProtect.io met this need, ensuring every new repository was added to the backup policy without manual input.

A significant attraction was the flexibility to use their existing AWS S3 storage, with the added option to utilize GitProtect's free, unlimited storage. Moreover, they wanted the capability to deploy GitProtect on-premise as a contingency should their cloud infrastructure fail, ensuring a comprehensive Disaster Recovery strategy for all scenarios.

Impact: LEAP Dev, with its top-tier legal software, prioritized the needs of its 45K clients by enhancing its data backup processes. Identifying the drawbacks of manual backups, they adopted the GitProtect.io system, automating backups and minimizing errors. This tool's efficiency was evident in its immediate backup of new repositories and seamless integration with AWS S3 storage.

LEAP Dev bolstered its defense against data losses and underscored its commitment to robust disaster recovery by offering both cloud and on-premise storage options. Consequently, the company has strengthened its data protection and reassured clients of its dedication to data security and reliability.

Navigating the world of basic Git commands, branching, and merging offers a foundational grasp on efficient code management in our digital era. Becoming familiar with these essentials streamlines individual work and sets the standard for more intricate collaborative endeavors

We transition to advanced Git features, delve into the art of collaborative development with Git, and share insights on Git development best practices.

Git-based development features, collaboration, & best practices

Effective collaboration and version control are paramount for streamlined software development. This next section is a practical guide to harnessing the full potential of this essential tool.

Discover how Git's advanced features and best practices can elevate your teamwork, code management, and project efficiency, ensuring your success in the ever-evolving world of software development.

  1. Among professional Developers, 60% use 'Git rebase' regularly to streamline their commit history.7
  2. Around 52% of Developers utilize 'Git stash' when saving changes without committing.7
  3. Approximately 15% of Developers have employed 'Git bisect' to identify the commit that introduced a bug.7
  4. 40% of projects with multi-repository structures use 'Git submodule.'7
  5. 35% of Developers use 'Git add -i' to selectively stage their changes.7
  6. About 45% of seasoned Developers utilize Git hooks to automate tasks like linting, testing, or integration.8
  7. Roughly 10% of Developers have tried 'Git sparse-checkout' to clone only specific directory structures.8
  8. 85% of collaborative projects use pull or merge requests in their workflow.7
  9. About 70% of Developers 'Git fetch' daily to keep local repositories up-to-date with remote changes.7
  10. In teams practicing pair programming, 65% frequently commit with co-authors using '--co-author.'7
  11. Nearly 90% of Developers have faced merge conflicts, emphasizing the importance of mastering conflict resolution.8
  12. 92% of projects using Git enforce code review before merging changes.8
In the development world, precision is valued, with tools like 'Git rebase' and 'Git stash' adopted by many professionals to keep their work orderly and efficient. As projects grow and team dynamics evolve, the emphasis on practices like code reviews and conflict resolution becomes palpable. Understanding these nuances is critical – it's a connection of code and collaboration where every step counts toward a positive result.

13. About 55% of open-source projects on platforms like GitHub prefer contributors to fork the repository before submitting pull requests.8

14. 75% of larger teams establish message guidelines to maintain clarity.8

15. 80% of senior Developers recommend committing changes frequently, aiming for small, incremental commits.8

16. Around 60% of teams use a feature-branch workflow, while 25% adopt Git Flow or a similar structured approach.7

17. 70% of seasoned Developers advocate for atomic commits, meaning each commit represents a single logical change.7

18. Approximately 95% of projects run tests before committing, either manually or via automation.7

19. Over 85% of projects have protections on the master/primary branch, preventing direct pushes.8

20. 78% of projects using Git integrate with a CI/CD tool to automate build and deployment processes.8

21. 65% of Developers believe documenting the development process within the Git repository (such as in a 'CONTRIBUTING.md' file) is crucial for collaboration.8

22. About 40% of Developers regularly prune old branches and references using commands like 'Git gc' or 'Git prune.'7

GitHub's social network traffic distribution

23. 58% of Developers use 'Git log' with custom formatting or filtering options to gain insights into repository history.7

24. Roughly 90% of organizations backup their Git repositories regularly to prevent data loss.7

25. 50% of power users set up Git aliases to expedite their workflow.8

26. Over 67% of Developers regularly work with multiple remotes, especially in open-source or distributed team environments.8

27. About 72% of software projects use Git tags to mark release points.7

28. For projects with large binary files, 30% use Git Large File Storage (LFS) to manage them.7

As we conclude our exploration of advanced Git features and collaborative development practices, it becomes clear that Git is a powerhouse tool for modern software teams. Harnessing its capabilities can elevate your development workflow to new heights.

However, like any tool, Git is not without its challenges. The next section will address common Git-based development problems and provide practical solutions to help you seamlessly navigate the ever-evolving software development landscape.

Common Git-based development problems & solutions

Challenges are inevitable, and Git-based development is no exception. These common Git-based development problems can be frustrating, but fear not – they are also opportunities for growth and improvement. This section will examine these challenges and provide practical solutions to keep your coding journey on the smoothest path possible.

  1. 87% of Git users have encountered merge conflicts at some point.8
  2. Around 65% of Developers have mistakenly lost a commit or changes in their Git history.8
  3. 58% of Developers have accidentally deleted a branch or commits.9
  4. About 12% have experienced repository corruption or other severe Git issues.9
  5. 40% complain that their repositories have become bloated and slow to clone.8
  6. 35% feel overwhelmed by the complexity of their project's commitment history.8
  7. About 30% of Developers using submodules have faced issues with them getting detached or out of sync.8
  8. 45% have been affected negatively by a colleague's force push.9
  9. 28% have been confused or lost work when using ‘Git stash.’8
  10. Roughly 55% find Git rebase to be challenging and error-prone at times.8
  11. 70% have used a Git command without fully understanding its implications.9
  12. 50% have experienced issues with SSH keys or other authentication methods.9
Navigating the intricacies of Git has proven challenging for many, with many users facing merge conflicts. Missteps in understanding its tools have led to lost commits and, alarmingly, even repository corruption for some.

While submodules present their own challenges, the underpinning concern remains – a lack of comprehensive knowledge of Git commands amplifies risks. These statistics show the pressing need for improved training and streamlined workflows for designers collaborating on projects.

13. Around 25% feel their Git tooling is slow or unresponsive.8

14. 60% have mistakenly committed unintended file changes or secrets to their repository.8

15. 80% have successfully resolved merge conflicts using external merge tools.8

16. 65% have recovered lost commits using commands like 'Git reflog.'9

17. 55% have improved repo performance by regular pruning and garbage collection.8

18. 50% use squash merging or rebasing to maintain a more readable history.8

19. 20% have transitioned from submodules to subtrees or other alternatives for simpler management.8

20. 78% of organizations enforce branch protection to avoid force-push disasters.8

21. 30% use dedicated feature branches instead of stashing to keep changes organized.9

22. After proper training, 60% found that rebasing became a powerful tool in their arsenal.9

The key challenges & solutions in Git-based development

  1. 85% rely on Git's man pages or online resources to clarify command usage.8
  2. 70% use SSH agents or credential managers to simplify authentication.9
  3. 35% switched to faster Git hosting platforms or solutions for improved performance.9
  4. 55% utilize pre-commit hooks to catch unintended file changes or secrets before they get committed.9
  5. 90% believe continuous learning and training are crucial to avoiding and solving Git problems.8
  6. 75% of Developers find peer programming or review helps catch and solve Git issues early.9

Git-based development challenges are more common than one might think. This article illuminates those problems and provides tangible solutions to navigate them easily. Understanding and applying these insights can help developers foster a smoother collaborative environment. In a world that thrives on seamless digital interaction, mastering Git can be a game-changer.

Frequently asked questions

How does Git differ from other version control systems?

Unlike centralized version control systems, Git is distributed. This means every Developer has a full copy of the project history on their local machine, allowing for better performance, offline access, and no single point of failure.

How can I collaborate with others using Git?

Collaboration is facilitated through platforms like GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket. Developers can 'clone' repositories, make changes locally, and then 'push' their modifications back to the repository or submit a 'pull request' for their changes to be reviewed and merged.

Is Git the same as GitHub?

No. Git is the tool, while GitHub is a hosting service for Git repositories. GitHub adds collaboration features like bug tracking, task management, and a UI for reviewing changes.

How secure is Git?

Git itself is quite secure. Every commit has a unique SHA1 hash, making it almost impossible to change old commits without noticing. However, security for hosted repositories (like GitHub or GitLab) also depends on the platform's security practices.

Why do people say Git has a steep learning curve?

Git has a variety of commands and workflows, which can be overwhelming for beginners. However, the basic commands required for most tasks are relatively straightforward, and many resources are available to help.

What these statistics tell us

At its heart, Git-based development is like having a trusty journal for your code. In this digital age, where ideas can transform from mere thoughts to functioning apps in days, Git offers a way to chronicle every step of that journey.

It's the silent note-taker, diligently recording each modification, addition, and revision, ensuring that every brilliant idea (or lesson from a past mistake) gets lost in the shuffle.

Did you know Linus Torvalds, the same genius behind the Linux operating system, created Git? He developed Git out of necessity, seeking a more flexible and reliable tool for managing the vast Linux codebase. As our lives intersect with the digital industry, the tools we use to build this virtual world become even more crucial. Git isn't just for the technologically inclined. 

It's a tool for anyone with a vision, a passion project, or a big idea, offering a helping hand to ensure that our digital dreams become realities with as few hiccups as possible. So, next time you dive into a project, remember that Git is there to support your needs, document every step, and make collaboration easy.


  1. Web Tribunal
  2. Kinsta
  3. Gitnux
  4. MarketSplash
  5. KnowledgeHut
  6. LinearB
  7. Tilburg Science Hub
  8. AB Tasty
  9. GeeksforGeeks

Last updated: 26 Jun 2024