Guide to improving Salesforce data quality and cleansing

From small businesses to Fortune 500 companies, Salesforce has over 150K customers worldwide. Salesforce is the number one CRM with more than 23% market share. It helps businesses with lead nurturing, customer management, and sales and marketing data.

  • Published 15 Feb 2024
  • 8 mins read
Guide to improving Salesforce data quality and cleansing
Table of contents

Article Highlights

  • Regular data cleansing significantly enhances system performance and decision-making capabilities by ensuring data accuracy and reliability.
  • Comprehensive data audits should be the first step in a data cleansing process, focusing on metrics like accuracy, completeness, and consistency to identify and prioritize areas needing attention.
  • Strategic implementation of validation rules can prevent the input of dirty data at source, reducing the need for extensive cleansing activities later on.

The Salesforce service is top-notch, but poor data quality often opens up a pile of problems for businesses. You need clean and accurate data for informed decision-making, enhanced operational efficiency, and meaningful customer interactions.

You can never overstate the importance of having clean and quality data. My guide is here to break down why Salesforce data quality is such a big deal, including some tips for Salesforce data cleansing.

Signs of dirty Salesforce data

Before we start with Salesforce data quality and cleansing, you need to know about faulty or unclean data. Here are some practical tips to identify signs of dirty Salesforce data:

Inconsistent data formats

Keep an eye out for data entries that lack uniformity in formats, such as varied date notations, abbreviations, or naming conventions. Inconsistency in data and naming conventions is widespread in the Salesforce ecosystem.

High instance of duplicates

Duplicate records are a sure-shot sign of data quality issues. If you observe multiple entries for the same entity, be it a lead, contact, or opportunity, it's time to address your data cleanliness concerns. This is your cue to understand why data validations are so necessary.

Incomplete or missing information

Fields with incomplete or missing information hinder the system's ability to deliver valuable insights. Monitor for gaps in essential fields, ensuring comprehensive data for effective decision-making.

Wait, that’s not it. You also need to know the consequences of ignoring data quality issues. Ignoring signs of dirty data can lead to severe consequences for your Salesforce environment and, ultimately, your business.

Reduced user adoption

Poor data quality frustrates users and erodes their confidence in the system. This can result in decreased user adoption rates, hindering the overall success of your Salesforce implementation.

Inaccurate reporting

Dirty data compromises the accuracy of reports and analytics, leading to misguided business decisions. Decision-makers relying on flawed data risk making choices based on incomplete or incorrect information.

Damaged customer relationships

Inaccurate or outdated customer information can harm client relationships. From incorrect contact details to outdated preferences, such discrepancies can erode trust and credibility.

Importance of Salesforce data cleansing

To mitigate the above-mentioned risks and uphold the integrity of your Salesforce data quality, timely data cleansing is essential. It helps you:

Enhance decision-making

Clean data ensures decisions are based on accurate and reliable information, empowering your team to strategize effectively.

Optimize system performance

Regular data cleansing contributes to an improved system performance, enhancing the overall efficiency and responsiveness of your Salesforce instance.

Preserve business reputation

By maintaining high data quality standards, you safeguard your business's reputation, instilling confidence in clients and stakeholders.

Salesforce data quality metrics





The degree to which data reflects reality

For instance, a customer's phone number is correct and up-to-date


The extent to which data is whole and not missing critical elements

A complete customer profile includes all required fields filled, such as name, email, and address


The uniformity of data across various sources or records

Ensuring the state names are consistently abbreviated (such as, ‘CA’ for California) in all records


The relevance of data concerning the current timeframe

Updating leads promptly to reflect recent interactions or changes in status


The significance of data in the context of business needs

Including only relevant information in reports, omitting obsolete or redundant data

The practical impact of these metrics on business processes


Accurate customer information ensures targeted marketing, reduces errors in sales outreach, and builds customer trust, leading to increased conversion rates.


Complete data profiles enable sales teams to personalize interactions, making identifying upsell or cross-sell opportunities easier and enhancing customer satisfaction.


Consistent data ensures a seamless customer experience, preventing confusion and improving user adoption, which is vital for efficient sales and marketing processes.


Up-to-date information empowers sales teams with the latest customer insights, facilitating timely follow-ups, reducing lead decay, and ultimately accelerating the sales cycle.


Focusing on relevant data streamlines decision-making processes, allowing teams to prioritize tasks, respond to customer needs effectively, and optimize resource allocation.

It all makes sense now, doesn’t it? Understanding and actively managing these five data metrics ensures data quality. It directly impacts day-to-day business operations, enhancing efficiency, improved customer relationships, and business success in the Salesforce ecosystem.

A four-step process for Salesforce data cleansing

Although dirty data is common across the Salesforce ecosystem, there is a set path to save yourself from them. Let's break down the best practices for effective data cleansing step by step.

Step one: Initial assessment

Before diving into data cleansing, conduct a thorough audit. Know your data. You can use data reports to analyze key data quality metrics like accuracy, completeness, and consistency. Identify areas with the most discrepancies to prioritize your efforts.

Check in on specific modules or objects within Salesforce where data quality issues are common. These mainly include leads, contacts, and opportunity records. You can tailor your cleansing efforts for maximum impact by pinpointing and auditing these areas.

Step two: Document data entry points

Create a map of all the touchpoints where data enters your Salesforce instance. This includes web forms, manual entries, and integrations. Understanding the sources helps target specific entry points for implementing data validation rules and preventing future inconsistencies.

Now, you also need to define clear standards for data collection across your organization. Specify required fields, formats, and guidelines for data entry. This step ensures consistency from the outset, minimizing the need for extensive cleaning later.

Step three: Resolve data quality issues

Start with implementing manual cleaning processes for high-impact areas identified during the first two assessment steps. Encourage data stewardship* among users to correct inaccuracies and eliminate duplicates. Develop protocols for handling everyday issues, such as misspellings or incomplete records.

You can also leverage Salesforce automation tools to streamline the cleaning process. Use validation rules to enforce data quality standards in real time. Additionally, you can explore third-party tools that can automatically identify and merge duplicate records, saving time and ensuring accuracy.

👉 Author's note: *Data stewardship involves following specific methods to ensure a company's data is easy to access, usable, safe, and reliable.

Here's how to handle the most common data issues:


Use Salesforce's built-in duplicate management tools to merge and eliminate duplicate records. Set up validation rules to prevent duplicate record creation.

Inconsistent formatting

Again, use validation rules for standardized formatting. Conduct training sessions to educate users and data entry professionals on the importance of consistent data entry practices.

Missing data

You can use automation tools to identify and flag missing data. Encourage users to complete mandatory fields and set up automated alerts for incomplete records.

Step four: Ongoing data quality maintenance

As you progress beyond initial cleansing, consider these additional measures for continuous data quality improvement:

  • Implementing continuous monitoring: Set up automated alerts for critical data quality metrics, allowing you to catch issues early on. Regularly review and address these alerts to maintain ongoing data health.
  • Regular audits and assessments: Schedule periodic audits to reevaluate data quality. Identify evolving patterns or new issues, refining your data quality strategy over time.
  • User training and engagement: Conduct regular training sessions on data entry best practices, building a culture of data stewardship among users. Engaged and aware users are more likely to contribute to the ongoing success of your data quality initiatives.

Common Salesforce data cleansing pitfalls

We've talked enough about how ensuring the cleanliness of your Salesforce data is vital for the system's optimal performance and overall business success. However, several common pitfalls can hinder effective data cleansing initiatives. Here are some of them:

Overlooking data relationships

This is a prevalent problem. Generally, Salesforce instances have several objects and fields linked with each other. This leads to entangled data points.

Neglecting the relationships between these different data sets can lead to incomplete cleansing. For instance, cleaning one data set without considering its dependencies may result in orphaned records or data inconsistencies.

Inadequate backup procedures

Failing to establish robust backup procedures before initiating the cleansing process can pose a significant risk. Accidental data loss or corruption during cleansing activities can have severe consequences if a reliable backup isn't readily available.

Insufficient data validation testing

You may perform a regular data validation and cleansing process, but are you doing it right? The lack of thorough testing to validate the effectiveness of cleansing strategies may result in overlooked issues. Inadequate testing can lead to relatively large data quality issues or the introduction of new problems during the cleansing process.

Incomplete data transformation

Ignoring the need for comprehensive data transformation plans can hinder successful cleansing. Incomplete or unclear plans for transforming data into the desired state may result in inconsistencies or errors, compromising the overall effectiveness of the cleansing effort.

✍🏻 Author's note: Fool-proof planning is essential.

Neglecting data quality monitoring

Cleansing once won't cut it. After the initial cleansing process, failing to establish a continuous data quality monitoring process can lead to a gradual decline in data accuracy. You need to regularly monitor and promptly identify and address emerging issues, ensuring sustained data quality over time.

Rushed data cleansing timelines

Setting unrealistic timelines for data cleansing projects can lead to hurried and potentially inaccurate processes. Rushing through cleansing activities increases the likelihood of overlooking critical details and may result in suboptimal data quality outcomes.

These are all long-term processes that will take time to execute. But there are some quick actions you can implement now.

Best practices to validate your Salesforce data now

Define clear naming conventions

🔎 Author's note: I've hinted at it already. 

Establish a structured approach to naming reports, dashboards, and Salesforce records. Consistent naming conventions promote organization and help users quickly identify and understand the purpose of each element.

Ensure naming conventions extend beyond reports and dashboards to encompass Salesforce records, maintaining clarity across all data entry points.

Optimize page layouts for relevance

Start by streamlining page layouts by evaluating the necessity of each field. Avoid clutter by tailoring page layouts based on teams or record types.

For example, create distinct layouts for marketing and sales teams to display relevant information. Utilize dynamic forms to display fields based on specific record data, enhancing the relevance of information presented to users.

🗣️ Author's note: Clear and clean data is good data.

Implement validation rules strategically

Validation rules play a big part in Salesforce data quality and cleansing. Use these to enforce data completeness and accuracy. Define rules aligning with specific data quality criteria, ensuring users cannot save records with incomplete or inaccurate information.

However, exercise caution to avoid overwhelming users with excessive validation rules and establish clear naming conventions for easy rule management.

Utilize monitoring reports effectively

Create Salesforce reports that offer insights into key data quality metrics. These reports should enable quick assessments of the field population, identify missing information, and highlight duplicates using relevant groupings. Regularly review these reports to proactively address data quality issues and ensure ongoing adherence to quality standards.

Help users understand why data is important

Build a culture of data awareness among your users by emphasizing the significance of accurate and complete data. Clearly communicate how data quality impacts decision-making, user trust, and overall business success.

Equip your users with insights into how high-quality data contributes to more effective reporting and analytics, encouraging users to maintain data integrity actively.

Remember the '3'Cs' of data

Author's note: Let me underline the bottom line – having clean data in Salesforce is not just a 'nice to have.' It's a necessity.

Throughout this guide, I've covered vital practices to ensure your data is in top form. Here is a last piece of knowledge from this guide – remember the '3'Cs' of data:

  • Compliance keeps things secure
  • Completeness ensures the complete picture
  • Correctness is the anchor of trust in your data.

But here's the deal – Salesforce data quality and cleansing is not a one-time fix. It's an ongoing commitment. So, understand the steps and practices mentioned above, share them with your team, and always remember the '3Cs' of data. Last but not least, leverage Salesforce automation tools.

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Last updated: 26 Jun 2024