The difference between Salesforce SIs and ISVs

Setting up your Salesforce ecosystem can be like solving a big puzzle. There are so many options, and it's hard to know which is best for your business. That's where Salesforce partners come in. But here's the question – which partner should you choose?

  • Published 03 Jun 2024
  • 7 mins read
The difference between Salesforce SIs and ISVs
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Article highlights

  • Salesforce system integrators (SIs) specialize in customizing and configuring Salesforce solutions to fit a company's unique requirements, focusing on integration and smooth workflows. Independent software vendors (ISVs) develop and market applications that extend Salesforce's capabilities, offering ready-to-use software solutions.
  • SIs provide consultancy, setup, data migration, training, and ongoing support tailored to client needs, operating closely with businesses to implement Salesforce systems. ISVs, in contrast, create software products and applications that enhance Salesforce, which is available through licenses or subscriptions on Salesforce AppExchange.
  • Collaborating with SIs involves significant client control over project stages and customization, ensuring the Salesforce setup aligns with business goals. Working with ISVs involves using their applications under licenses or subscriptions, with updates and support managed by the ISV, providing ready-to-use enhancements without direct technological control.

Both SIs and ISVs are Salesforce experts, but their specialties differ. A system integrator helps you use the features Salesforce already has. Meanwhile, a Salesforce ISV partner creates custom apps just for your business.  

In this blog, I'll compare Salesforce ISVs and SIs. If you understand their differences, you can pick the right one for your business.

System integrators (SIs)

Often called Consulting Partners, SIs help you build and configure your Salesforce environment, just like standard consultancy work. They help you design and develop customized Salesforce environments for your business, help you set them up, and migrate all your data.

They also ensure the new Salesforce system works perfectly with all your other programs and tools, making things easier. They must meet certain requirements, like having trained and certified team members and a successful track record. To make sure you're working with the right partner, choose a certified SI partner of ""

What working with a Salesforce SI looks like

Let's look at what SIs take care of while working with you.


SIs work closely with you to understand your business. They will have a detailed conversation with you to learn about your goals, challenges, and business operations.

Based on your unique needs and objectives, SIs provide strategic advice and show what type of Salesforce customization will perfectly fit your business. They also ensure each proposed feature and customization directly supports your specific goals.

Customization and configuration

Salesforce is a platform with many features and capabilities. However, not all of them will suit you, and you may have some requirements that need customization. SIs leverage the standard Salesforce features and build custom solutions and configurations.

Salesforce implementation

Once the SIs consult with you on all the possible solutions and frameworks, the next step is implementing Salesforce in your business. They handle everything, from setting up the system to ensuring it integrates with your existing tools.

Training and support

The biggest problem with a newly implemented Salesforce solution arises when users aren't trained for it. But Salesforce SIs handle that, too. They teach your team best practices for using Salesforce, troubleshoot any problems that arise, and help optimize its performance for your specific needs.

Independent software vendors (ISVs)

Salesforce ISVs are product companies that independently create and distribute Salesforce products or applications. They develop complementary applications that enhance the capabilities of the Salesforce platform, addressing specific business needs or niche markets.

Another coined term for product partners is an OEM (original equipment manufacturer). OEMs and ISVs are product partners who create solutions on top of the Salesforce platform – solutions that are not readily available with Salesforce.

Author's note: Salesforce ISVs come with a guarantee that their products are safe to use. Every ISV goes through a security review, and the Salesforce team ensures its products are safe and secure.

What working with Salesforce ISVs looks like

Being an ISV or working with an ISV is very different from working with a Salesforce SI. Here's how:

Product development

ISVs focus on developing cutting-edge software solutions to enhance Salesforce's capabilities. They put time and effort into researching and developing these products, aiming to make them strong, scalable, and valuable for users.

AppExchange listing

Salesforce ISVs have the opportunity to showcase built solutions on Salesforce AppExchange. By listing their products on AppExchange, ISVs connect with a vast network of Salesforce customers and partners, reaching more people and encouraging the use of their solutions.

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Integration and compatibility

ISVs ensure their solutions fit smoothly with the Salesforce platform, following Salesforce's guidelines and best practices. Their solutions leverage Salesforce's APIs and data model to provide a cohesive user experience and maximize interoperability.

Continuous innovation

ISVs stay flexible and responsive to changing customer needs and industry trends. They frequently improve their built products based on user feedback and take advantage of new features and capabilities in Salesforce to stay ahead of the game.

Types and benefits of Salesforce ISV partners

There are four types of Salesforce ISV partners:

  1. OEM partnerships
  2. Reseller partnerships
  3. Payment partnerships
  4. SaaS Investment partnerships

OEM partnerships

OEM (original equipment manufacturer) partnerships integrate software into their existing products or apps. This adds value to what they offer and makes it better for users. For example, consider how applications like Uber and ParkPoolr use Google Maps. It helps them give a better service.


  • No development from scratch. Hence, it saves time and money
  • It makes the existing product or app better for users
  • It helps in making products faster and easier.

Reseller partnerships

Reseller partners sell products or software to other businesses, helping them reach more customers and those who need help buying directly from the software owners. This partnership works on the value-added retailer (VAR) model.


  • It reaches more customers worldwide
  • It helps businesses grow without needing more staff
  • It gives customers support and help with the software
  • It uses trusted platforms like Salesforce.

Payment partnerships

These partnerships focus on smoothening payment procedures in Salesforce ISVs. The smoother your payment processes are, the more your business grows. Also, these partnerships can bring revenue benefits, as some software companies split the transaction income from merchant users.


  • It gets tools to manage payments better
  • It makes paying more straightforward for customers
  • It builds a new revenue stream for ISVs.

SaaS investment partnerships

These partnerships give businesses money to grow. Being a Salesforce ISV is highly competitive, so it's essential to keep updating and improving your product. SaaS investment partnerships help with that by giving businesses access to money from investors and venture capitalists.


  • It provides money to grow the business
  • It builds relationships with investors for more funding
  • It provides advice on how to make the business better.
Author's note: If you want to learn more about Salesforce ISVs, how to start one, grow one, etc., check out Trails Podcast. It is a dedicated podcast about all things Salesforce.

The difference between SIs and ISVs

Now that we have established a basic understanding of both partners, it's time to discuss the main agenda of this blog – the differences.

Different areas of focus

  • SIs are experts in setting up, customizing, and making the most of Salesforce solutions in a company's current setup. They're skilled in creating system designs, making workflows smoother, and handling changes to how things work.
  • ISVs focus on creating and offering their apps or extras that make Salesforce even better. They're good at developing software, creating new ideas, and meeting the needs of different markets.

Services versus products

  • SIs provide various types of assistance, such as setup, data migration, training, and ongoing support tailored to meet client's needs.
  • ISVs create and market software or apps to enhance Salesforce or address specific business challenges. They offer ready-to-use solutions that can be purchased or subscribed to.

Engagement model

  • SIs work closely with clients, understanding their goals and setting up Salesforce systems accordingly.
  • ISVs focus on creating and improving software products to help customers. They share their solutions with more people through Salesforce AppExchange. They offer ready-to-use solutions that can be purchased or subscribed to.

Ownership and control

  • When you team up with SIs, you're in charge at every project stage. This means you can change and manage your Salesforce setup to better suit your needs.
  • ISVs keep their apps or solutions, and you use them through licenses or subscriptions. Even though you can't control the technology directly, you still get updates and help from the ISV.

It's comes down to you and your needs

I've established some critical differences between Salesforce SIs and ISVs. But that doesn't mean they can't work together. You have to remember two points:

  • You can't solve every problem with Salesforce's default features – you need customization
  • The complexity of projects delivered on the Salesforce platform demands the coexistence of SIs and ISVs.

In the end, whether you should work with an SI or ISV (or both) depends entirely on your business needs and requirements.

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Last updated: 03 Jul 2024