Scratch Orgs' role in streamlining feature-driven Salesforce projects

In the fast-paced world of Salesforce development, efficiency and agility are key. Whether you're a seasoned Developer or just starting, you've likely faced the challenge of managing feature-driven projects. This is where Scratch Orgs come into play.

  • Published 06 Aug 2024
  • 10 mins read
Scratch Orgs' role in streamlining feature-driven Salesforce projects
Table of contents

Hutte expert panel

Sushrut Kumar Mishra
Sushrut Kumar Mishra
Salesforce Developer, Technical Writer, and Entrepreneur
Sushrut is a skilled Salesforce Developer, Technical Writer, and Entrepreneur. His expertise includes front-end dev, Web3, and DevRel. He leverages technology to craft exceptional digital experiences.
Manuel Moya
Manuel Moya
Salesforce DevOps Consultant & Application Architect
Manuel Moya Ferrer is a highly skilled freelancer who serves as a technical architect, developer, and DevOps engineer. He specializes in Salesforce solutions, covering all technical aspects of their development lifecycle.
Article highlights
  • Learn how Scratch Orgs – temporary Salesforce environments – streamline your development process by enabling rapid prototyping, testing, and feature development.
  • Discover the fundamentals of Scratch Orgs, including their temporary nature, configurability, and source-driven model, and explore their creation and lifecycle.
  • Understand how to set up, customize, and integrate Scratch Orgs with version control for a more agile, efficient, and isolated development environment.

These temporary Salesforce environments are designed to streamline your development process, making it easier to prototype, develop, and test new features. This article explores how Scratch Orgs can revolutionize your approach to feature-driven Salesforce projects.

The fundamentals of Scratch Orgs

So, what exactly are Scratch Orgs? Think of them as disposable, configurable Salesforce environments. Unlike traditional orgs, Scratch Orgs are temporary and created for a specific purpose. They come with a clean slate, meaning you can shape them to fit your project's requirements.

Key features of Scratch Orgs include:

  • Ephemeral nature: Scratch Orgs are short-lived (with a maximum duration of 30 days), usually lasting for a few days or weeks, which makes them perfect for testing and development without a long-term commitment.
  • Configurability: You can define the features, settings, and data included in your Scratch Org, tailoring it precisely to your project needs.
  • Source-driven: Scratch Orgs are designed to work seamlessly with Salesforce DX (Developer Experience), promoting a source-driven development model where your org configuration is stored in version control.

Creation and lifecycle

Creating a Scratch Org is straightforward, but it follows a well-defined lifecycle. Here's how you can go about it:

  1. Setup: First, you need to set up Salesforce DX. This involves installing the Salesforce CLI (Command Line Interface) and configuring your project.
  2. Creation: Using the CLI, you can create a Scratch Org with a simple command, specifying features, settings, and the duration of the org.
  3. Usage: Once created, you can push your source code, metadata, and data into the Scratch Org. This is where development, testing, and prototyping happen.
  4. Disposal: After you're done, you can delete the Scratch Org. Since they are temporary, disposing of them helps keep your environment clean and manageable.

With Scratch Orgs, you're not just working with a flexible development environment but also adopting a more agile and efficient workflow. In the next sections, we'll dive deeper into how to integrate these versatile tools into your feature-driven development process, ensuring you get the most out of your Salesforce projects.

Integrating Scratch Orgs into feature-driven development

Initial setup and configuration

Setting up Scratch Orgs in a feature-driven development environment is essential for streamlining your workflow:

  1. Install Salesforce CLI: First, install the Salesforce CLI, which will be your primary tool for creating and managing Scratch Orgs.
  2. Authenticate and create a project: Authenticate your Salesforce Org and create a new Salesforce DX project. This project will house your code, metadata, and configuration files.
  3. Define the Scratch Org configuration: Create a "project-scratch-def.json" file to define your Scratch Org's settings, including the required features, permissions, and org preferences.
  4. Create the Scratch Org: Use the Salesforce CLI command "sfdx force:org:create -f config/project-scratch-def.json" to spin up a new Scratch Org based on your configuration.

Customization and flexibility

Scratch Orgs offers unparalleled customization and flexibility, allowing you to tailor environments precisely to your project needs.

  • Tailored environments: Define exactly what you need for your feature, from specific Salesforce features to user permissions and data models.
  • Quick iterations: Modify the configuration file and recreate the Scratch Org to quickly test different scenarios and configurations.
  • Separate workspaces: Each feature can have its own dedicated Scratch Org, ensuring isolated and focused development environments.

Version control integration

Integrating Scratch Orgs with version control systems like Git can significantly enhance your development process:

  • Source-driven development: Store your org's configuration, code, and metadata in version control. This promotes consistency and traceability.
  • Branch management: Create feature branches in your version control system and spin up corresponding Scratch Orgs for isolated development and testing.
  • Continuous integration: Automate the creation and testing of Scratch Orgs as part of your CI/CD pipeline, ensuring your changes are continuously validated.

Accelerating development cycles with Scratch Orgs

To accelerate your development cycles with Scratch Orgs, you can factor in a few parameters:

Rapid prototyping

Scratch Orgs are perfect for rapid prototyping. You can spin up a new org in minutes to start testing ideas and validating features. Their temporary nature allows you to experiment freely without worrying about long-term impacts or cleanup. This quick setup encourages innovation and reduces the time it takes to bring new features from concept to reality.

Parallel development

Enabling parallel development with Scratch Orgs can significantly boost productivity. Developers can work on different features simultaneously in separate Scratch Orgs, reducing dependencies and conflicts. This isolation allows teams to collaborate more effectively, each with their own environment to test and develop features.

Isolated testing environments

Creating isolated testing environments with Scratch Orgs ensures higher quality releases. You can use Scratch Orgs as a dedicated environment to test specific features and ensure they work correctly before integration. Each Scratch Org starts fresh, eliminating issues related to previous configurations or data. This approach ensures that your features are thoroughly tested in a controlled environment, reducing the likelihood of bugs and issues in production.

Namespace management for ISVs

For independent software vendors (ISVs) creating managed packages, Scratch Orgs offers a robust feature: the ability to use namespaces. This allows ISVs to develop and test their managed packages in a Scratch Org with the same namespace that end customers will see. By developing in an environment that mirrors the actual deployment, ISVs can ensure their packages are correctly configured and fully functional before release. 

This capability is crucial for maintaining the integrity of managed packages and providing a seamless experience for end customers. Although ISVs are a minority, this feature is a significant advantage for those who create and distribute managed packages.

Scratch Org Snapshots

Scratch Org Snapshots allow you to capture the state of an org at a particular point in time and then use that snapshot to create new Scratch Orgs in the same state quickly. This can be particularly useful for standardizing development environments, replicating complex setups, and speeding up the setup process for new Developers.

Deployment and release management with Scratch Orgs

Scratch Orgs simplify the deployment process by ensuring consistency across development, testing, and production environments. Using the same configuration files, you can automate deployments using scripts and Salesforce CLI commands, reducing manual errors and saving time.

This automation ensures that your deployment process is efficient and reliable, leading to smoother releases.

Managing dependencies

Effective dependency management is crucial when using Scratch Orgs.

  • Breaking down features into modular components, each managed in its own Scratch Org helps in managing dependencies and conflicts.
  • Using version control to track these dependencies ensures that issues are resolved before they become problematic in the main org.
  • This modular approach promotes cleaner and more manageable code, making it easier to maintain and update.

Rollback strategies

Having a rollback strategy is essential for risk management.

  • Regularly back up your Scratch Org configurations and data, allowing you to restore them if something goes wrong.
  • Use your version control system to revert to previous states, ensuring you can quickly undo changes that cause issues.
  • This proactive approach to risk management ensures that you can maintain stability and reliability in your Salesforce environment, even when things go awry.

Case study: Hutte's use of Scratch Org Pooling


Hutte's innovative management of Salesforce Scratch Orgs can significantly streamline your feature-driven development (FDD) process.

Let's see how!

Traditionally, creating a Salesforce Scratch Org can be time-consuming. It involves allocating server resources, deploying metadata, and provisioning dependencies. Depending on the project's complexity, this process can take a few minutes to several hours. It also requires technical expertise because you need to know how to manage projects locally, run SFDX CLI commands, etc. All of these are things a Salesforce Admin may struggle with.

Hutte addresses this challenge by maintaining a pool of ready-to-use Scratch Orgs, drastically reducing the setup time.

Hutte's Scratch Org Pool consists of pre-configured, ready-to-use environments that Developers can tap into instantly.

This pool is managed through Hutte's web-based user interface (UI) and Salesforce DX (SFDX) plugin. By selecting a Scratch Org from the pool, Developers eliminate waiting times, allowing for the immediate commencement of development tasks. This setup saves time and optimizes resource use by ensuring that environments are available whenever needed without the delays of creating new orgs from scratch.

Additionally, Hutte offers a powerful feature through the "Hutte.yml" file, which allows users to configure a "push_script." This script can perform automated actions immediately after creating a Scratch Org, such as pushing code and seeding the org with necessary data.

With this functionality, all Scratch Orgs in the pool are created and pre-configured with the required setup. This automation ensures that the environments are fully prepared for development, reducing the setup time and enhancing efficiency.

The key features of Hutte's approach

  1. Ready-made Scratch Org Pool: Instant access to pre-configured environments.
  2. Web-based UI and SFDX plugin: Manage environments seamlessly.
  3. Collaborative creation: Generate and share individual Scratch Orgs across the team.
  4. Jira integration: Link Scratch Orgs to work items for streamlined project management.

Hutte's system supports seamless collaboration among team members. Developers, product owners, and business analysts can generate individual Scratch Orgs and share them across the team. This feature particularly benefits teams working on complex projects with multiple branches.

Hutte's integration with version control systems like Git ensures that each Scratch Org is synchronized with the desired branch, providing a consistent development environment.

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Moreover, Hutte offers additional functionalities like their Jira plugin and VS Code extension, which enhances project management. This plugin creates corresponding work items in Jira, identifying Scratch Orgs that match the name of your work item or issue. This integration encourages collaboration by allowing product managers to leave comments for Developers, fostering better communication and coordination without compromising individual workspaces.

Overcoming common challenges


While Scratch Orgs offers numerous benefits for Salesforce development, it also comes with its own set of challenges. Effectively managing these challenges is essential to fully leveraging Scratch Orgs' potential. In this section, I'll discuss the three most common obstacles: resource management, integration issues, and scalability.

Resource management

Managing resource constraints and optimizing the use of Scratch Orgs is essential for efficient development. Given the limitations on the number of Scratch Orgs created within a specific period, planning and allocating these resources is essential.

Implementing a pool of ready-to-use Scratch Orgs, as Hutte does, can mitigate these constraints. By maintaining a pool, you can ensure that environments are available on demand, reducing idle time and maximizing productivity. Regular monitoring and adjusting the size and duration of the pool can help manage these resources efficiently.

Tips for resource management:

  • Plan and allocate: Strategically manage the number of Scratch Orgs.
  • Use pools: Maintain a pool of ready-to-use Scratch Orgs.
  • Monitor and adjust: Regularly assess and optimize pool size and duration.

Integration issues

Integrating Scratch Orgs with other Salesforce environments and tools can present challenges, especially when dealing with complex customizations and dependencies. It's crucial to maintain a clear and organized project structure to overcome these issues. Use the "project-scratch-def.json" file (or "Hutte.yml") to define the Scratch Org's configuration precisely. Ensure your version control system is robust and up-to-date, enabling smooth transitions between different environments.

Tools like Hutte can also simplify integration by providing a unified interface for managing Scratch Orgs and synchronizing them with your source control system.

Solutions for integration issues:

  • Clear project structure: Organize your project for smooth transitions.
  • Accurate configuration: Use "project-scratch-def.json" to define settings.
  • Unified management tools: Leverage tools like Hutte for seamless integration.


Scaling the use of Scratch Orgs in large and complex projects requires strategic planning and the right tools. As projects grow, the number of Scratch Orgs needed for development, testing, and staging can increase significantly. Again, implementing a pool of Scratch Orgs is an effective strategy for handling scalability. This approach ensures that environments are always available for different project stages, reducing bottlenecks and delays.

Additionally, utilizing automation tools and CI/CD pipelines can streamline the management and deployment of Scratch Orgs, making it easier to scale their use across large teams and projects.

Strategies for scalability:

  • Strategic planning: Anticipate and plan for increased Scratch Org needs.
  • Implement pools: Use a pool of Scratch Orgs for different project stages.
  • Automate: Utilize CI/CD pipelines for efficient management and deployment.

Get scratching

In this article, we've established that Scratch Orgs are pivotal in streamlining feature-driven Salesforce projects. Providing isolated, configurable environments enables rapid prototyping, parallel development, and thorough isolated testing, significantly accelerating development cycles.

You can use tools like Hutte to demonstrate the potential of Scratch Org Pooling to enhance productivity and collaboration. However, to fully leverage Scratch Orgs' benefits, you must address challenges such as resource management, integration issues, and scalability.

Looking forward, the continuous evolution of tools and techniques will further enhance Scratch Orgs' capabilities, solidifying their place as indispensable assets in Salesforce development.

Author's note: What are your thoughts about future trends and innovations around Scratch Orgs? Let us know! 

Last updated: 06 Aug 2024